Bald (Rondaxe)
Fire Tower Restoration Project
Friends of Bald Mt., Box 206, Old Forge, NY 13420
2009 Progress Report
Workdays - September 24th & 25th
During the peak autumn leaf season, FoBM volunteers spent two days on the Bald Mt. Fire Tower Summit catching up on maintenance projects and trail cleanup. Several trips were made earlier in the season to pick up minimal trash on this popular trail. Despite the thousands of visitors who climbed to the summit this year, very little trash was left behind and we applaud everyone for respecting this beautiful, historic place in the heart of our Adirondack Park.
The priority for this work detail was to re-install the swing safety door in
the cab that became unhinged last year. The door was originally designed by DEC
Forester Fred Munk. Detailed measurements were taken last fall by Rochester
volunteer Larry Coon who pre-cut the new door before hauling it up to the
summit. A
set of bigger hinges, bolts, and washers were fastened to the 3/4" birch
door and then it was installed using the portable drill Larry brought along in
his tool kit. A couple coats of paint were applied to match the interior of the
cab. The swing door provides safer access into and out of the cab. Unlike
several other restored fire towers in the State, the Bald Mt. Fire Tower cab is
not locked and is open year-round to visitors.
Speaking of the cab, it is still a mystery to us why people are compelled to write their names on the walls and the ceiling. A few folks out of the multitude deface the interior with graffiti every year which puts annual re-painting of the cab on our list of maintenance projects.
The security fencing appears to be in good shape, now five years old. The FoBM have on reserve, extra fencing to install as it deteriorates. All the steps and landings were inspected on this trip and a new coat of stain was applied to seal all the wood components of the tower. Incidentally, the comments from visitors who watch us work are incredible. Everyone was extraordinarily complimentary and one couple even donated their crackers, cheese, and pepperoni to us for nourishment. We were fortunate to have beautiful sunshine & dry winds (a rare thing this past summer) to speed up the paint and stain work. Several downed trees/branches were removed from the trail over the two-day work detail. Small crossing logs were laid in particular muddy sections to keep hikers on the trail and avoid creating round-abouts.
Painting graffiti out of the cab | Clearing the trail |
School Groups in September |
Thursday visitors included Mount Markham students on a field trip (left) and on Friday, the Stock Elementary students from Rome, NY who lunched at the summit. FoBM volunteers answered questions and gave a brief history of the restoration project to the kids and other hikers over the two-day work session. |
Volunteers on the committee are always welcomed. Contact the Friends of Bald Mountain at the address above or email link for more information.
Historic Photo
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