Fire Tower Restoration Project
More than 20,000 folks climb to this popular summit each year! With your help -
we can complete the restoration of our fire tower in the SUMMER of 2004. PATCHES
- our primary fundraiser, continues to support our work. Goals for this summer
include: Final paint coat to the cab, replacement of the landings and cab
flooring, installation of new window guards, installation of security
fencing along the stairways and landings - repair and replacement of
deteriorated concrete footers. Development of an interpretation program for the
Summer of 2005, possibly with a summit steward. NO Corporate or Government
Funds - a TRUE
GRASSROOTS EFFORT by individuals and groups who
love our Tower! THANK
Income |
Total Deposited Donations as of 1/11/04 |
$9,441.75 |
Additional Donations as of 5/16/04 |
$ 284.00 |
Interest Earned |
$ 22.16 |
Total Income as of 5/16/04 |
$9,747.91 |
Expenses |
Brochures (Boonville Graphics) |
$ 516.65 |
2000 Patches |
$1,980.00 |
Restoration Supplies - 2003 |
$1,161.23 |
AARCH account mgmt fees |
$ 250.00 |
Misc. - Postage |
$ 27.30 |
Total Expenses as of 5/16/04 |
$3,935.18 |
Balance - Bald Mt. Account as of 5/16/04 |
$5,812.73 |
Friends have sent a donation
to help restore the historic fire tower
since our project began in the Spring of 2002 - Many from all over the State and
Country - See Chart Below
of Bald Mountain Donors |
Adirondack Kids Press Black River ADK Mt. Club* Mr. James Aiken Anonymous Ms. Susan Arisumi Ms. Mary Arnitz Mr. Paul Aspenleiter Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Sharon Aswad Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Sheelagh Baily Mr. & Mrs. John Ball Ms. Patricia Ballard *Ms. Susanne Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bartolett Ms. Mary Ellen Bernhardt Ms. Annalisa Berns Mr. Frank Boland Ms. Marjorie Bonnett Mr. & Mrs. John Boylan Ms. Elizabeth Brereton Mr. Garry Brombacher *Mr. Richard Brownell Mrs. Ruth Brussell Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Brynilsen Mr Thomas Burgess Mr. George Cady* Ms Chris Cardner Ms. Tessa Careaga Rev. Robert J. Carter Mr. Ed Cavallerano Mr. Thomas Chromczak Mr. Chris Clark Mr. Mark Clark Ms. Linda Cohen *Mr. Walt Coogan *Mr. Matt Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Damon *Mr. & Mrs. William Davis Ms. Lisa Debree Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dedrick Mr. James Denio Mr. Bob Desnoyers *Mr. Robert Dicker Ms. Patricia Dolph Ms. Louise Donargo Ms. Barbara Downs Ms. Kathy Drouin-Keith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dugan* Ms. Mary Durfee Mr. William Ebersbach Mr. David Ehrlich Margaret & Eric Eisemann Mr. Carl Eligh Ms. Rene Elliott Ms. Melanie Evans Ms. Jane Evans Ms. Mary Ellen Evans *Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ferrick Mr. Mark Field Mr. & Mrs. Russell Flagg Forest Fire Lookout Assn. *Mr. John Freeman Mr. Henry Gaffey Mr. Daniel Gaffney *Ms. Melanie Gaines Ms. Maureen Gallagher Genesee Valley Chapter ADK *Mr. & Mrs. Al & Sue Gillis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Girtler Mr. Colton Golly Mr. & Mrs. Jim Greenfield* Ms. Sharon Grimm *Ms. Anne Hartsig Ms. Elizabeth Harvilla Mr. & Mrs. Jarl Hasby Mr. Robert Haskins Mr. & Mrs. Don & Sandi Hendricks Ms. Julie Hetey Mr. Dennis J. Hickey Ms. Sandy Hildreth Ms. Kathleen E. Hughes Mr. Ken Hulbert Mr. Stanley Hutchings Ms. Jeanne Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm James Mr. Warren R. Johnsen Ms. Carolyn Kaczka Mrs. Pamela Kainer Dr. & Mr. Alexandria Kibiuk Mr. David Kidd Ms. Lee King Mr. James Aiken Mr. Ken Hubert Mr. Sam Sharpe Mr. Michael Greene Ms. Ruth Sikora Ms. Beth Dungey |
Ms. Lynne Kingsley Mr. Jim Koeppe Bart Kolb Family Ms Mary Krecidlo Mr. & Mrs. Lee Kuhnmunch Ms. Sharon Kumnick Mr. Robert Lalli Mr. Bob Larkin *Mr. & Mrs. Dick Lasher Mr. Paul Laskey Ms. Charlotte Lenkowsky Ms. Barbara Lennox Lupole Family Ms. Eleanor Lynch Mr. Tom Macbeth Ms. Mary Maciewicz Ms. Peggy MacKellar *Mr. Michael Mahar, Sr. Ms. Ann Walker Maltby *Mr. Stephen M. Mamich Mr. Robert F. Mandel Mr. & Mrs. Doug Masters *Mrs. Peg Masters Terence Mawhinney Ms. Shirley Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCarthy Mr. Gerald McDonald Ms. Sharon McEwan Mr. Jake Merrell Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Bob Messmer and Family Mr. Marc Miller Mr. & Mrs. Read Moffett Ms. Amy Montpelier Mr. Richard Morgan Ms. Michele Morris Ms Gail Murray Mr. Malcolm Norton Mr. Lars Ohlsen Okara Lakes Association *Old Forge Hardware *Mr. & Mrs. Ron Opanhoske Ms. Gail Opanhoske Ms. Patricia Palmer Ms. Laura Pantaleo Ms. Marilyn Kay Paul Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pearle Mr. Victor Pennes Mr. Bob Plank Ms. Tammy Porter Ms. Patricia Powers Mr. Douglas Ralston *Ms. Mary Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Edward Richardson Ms. Gail Richeson Mr. Ron Roth Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Russell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan Mr. Braden Scales Mr. Hans Schmid Mr. Keith Schneider Mr. Robert Sedler Mr. Sam Sharpe Ms. Paula Shaw Radka Ms. Alison Slattery Mr. Marc Smith Mr. William R. Soons *Ms. Ann Spaziano *Mr. & Mrs. George Spoll Ms. Joanne Strike Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney Mr. Chris Synol Mr. Rick Taylor Ms. Marilyn Thomas Mr. James Tracy Mr. Joel Tremblay Mr. & Mrs. C. Fred Trimbach Rev. Dr. Carrol Turner Mr. Louis Venech Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watts Mr. Donald Werth Mr. Bob Wheeler Ms. Sandra White *Mr. & Mrs. Dave & Linda Wiener Mr. Daniel Wilson Ms. Pauline Wohn Ms. Diane M. Wolfe Mr. John E. Young Mr. Jeff Zoller Mr. Herb Zucker Mr. Ron Roth Mr. Eric Rasmussen Mr. Douglas Kerr Kiefer's Souvenir Village* Mr. Brendan Hickey Mr. Ed Brush ADK Genesee Valley Chapter* |
(Note - If your name has inadvertently been left off the list, please contact
Our THANKS to All, and to John Drexelius for the PATCH DESIGN - our major Fund
Raising Project! Also, Ed Potts - donation of window grids and to of Hubbell OW
& Sons Inc., New York Mills for galvanizing them.
And to the Assistance of DEC & Town of Webb Trails Maintenance Crew for
their Help with the work projects.
Demographics of Friends of Bald Mountain
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